Team CartFlows
January 25, 2024

Version 2.0.3


  • Fix: The conversation for the A/B split test variation steps were not getting recorded.
  • Fix: Subscription product price was getting displayed as zero in your products section while changing product.
  • Fix: Unable to change the quantity from the product options in some cases.
  • Fix: Customer ID is not available error message while using Mollie Credit Card.
  • Fix: Select dropdown field was not showing options in the custom field editor.
  • Fix: Fixed the `get_current_screen()` not found error message in some cases.
  • Fix: A/B split test setting were not getting saved properly for multi-side setup.
  • Fix: Resolved License activation action showing nonce invalid message if WooCommerce is not installed.
  • Fix: Heading and button colors were not getting changed for two-step layout using elementor.

Team CartFlows
January 25, 2024

Version 2.0.3


  • Improvement: Modified the location of Change Template button for store checkout steps. It is now available in the individual step’s setting panel.
  • Fix: Fixed province field issue not showing selected value with certain countries for Google address autocomplete.
  • Fix: The URL parameters was not getting updated if the same parameters are present in the URL.
  • Fix: Google autocomplete address settings was not getting saved properly on multi-site setup.
  • Fix: Default value for email field was not getting populated after logged-in from the Checkout page using the Modern Checkout Layout.
  • Fix: Long label text was getting displayed for custom fields in the backend settings.
  • Fix: Minor UI improvement in dynamic offers for dropdown select field display.
  • Fix: Fixed the `null` parameter deprecation warning for strpos function.
  • Fix: Resolved typography inconsistency between input’s text and it’s placeholder for checkout fields.
  • Fix: The step setting’s slide-out popup was getting closed when another popup OR alert window is opened.
Team CartFlows
December 4, 2023

Version 2.0.2


  • Improvement: Improved the price display by restricting the float values to two numbers after a decimal point.


  • Fix: The order bump content was getting replaced while saving the order bump.
  • Fix: In some cases, the thank you page conversation was not working.
  • Fix: The link to navigate back to the step setting in the page builder view was showing 404.

Team CartFlows
December 4, 2023

Version 2.0.2


  • Security Fix: Hardened the security of the plugin suggested by PatchStack.
  • Fix: Unable to add the product on the upsell/downsell step after they are cloned.
  • Fix: Responsive issue for width of first and last name fields.
  • Fix: Flow template from exported JSON file was not getting imported.
  • Fix: Dynamic Conditions Rules of the checkout step were not getting re-ordered.
  • Fix: The radio button for product options selection was not working when set to a single selection.
Team CartFlows
November 10, 2023

Version 2.0.1


  • Fixed deprecated notices for elementor displayed on the offer steps for offer accept/reject buttons.
  • Fixed the issue with version 6.7.1 of WooCommerce Payments and improved future compatibility.
  • Fixed the analytics calculation issue when the A/B split test was enabled.

Team CartFlows
November 10, 2023

Version 2.0.1


  • Introduced the option to enable the Global Color Pallet of CartFlows for individual flows.
  • Introduced the option to edit the order bump title.


  • Fixed deprecated notices for Elementor displayed on the landing step for the next step button.
  • Fixed the array to string conversion warning while using the Block Builder.
Team CartFlows
November 7, 2023

Version 2.0


  • Revamped the whole CartFlows user interface to add a user-friendly touch.
  • Added a way to carry forward the URL parameters to the next step.


  • Added a restriction to quantity update if the product is set to purchase one qty per order.


  • Fixed the missing condition to check for WooCommerce Subscription in product options only if the discount is applied.
  • In dynamic offers, the rules containing the zero value conditions were not getting saved.
  • Fixed the Skip offer issue if multiple offer pages are added in the flow
  • Order bump was not getting unchecked if it is pre-selected on the checkout page.
  • Fixed the deprecation notices for the latest update of Elementor.
  • Product options images were not getting changed for product options.
  • Fixed a few function deprecation warnings while using PHP version 8.2
  • Fixed the critical issue with the latest major update of WooCommerce Payments.

Team CartFlows
November 7, 2023

Version 2.0


  • Revamped the whole CartFlows user interface to add a user-friendly touch.
  • Introduced a do_action cartflows_store_checkout_before_configure_cart for store checkout.
  • Added a way to carry forward the URL parameters to the next step.


  • Fixed the flow import/export issue with multi-language in which special characters are used..
  • Fixed Modern Cart Plugin compatibility for the dynamic flow feature of CartFlows.
  • Fixed the deprecation notices for the latest update of Elementor.
  • Fixed the checkout field mobile responsive issue for the two-step checkout layout.
Team CartFlows
August 14, 2023

Version 1.11.15


  • New: Auto-update PRO plugin enabled by updating the client license library.


  • Resolved “divisible by zero” error on applying a discount to selected subscription product with product options enabled.
  • CartFlows blocks were not working with the latest version of Spectra.

Team CartFlows
August 14, 2023

Version 1.11.15


    • CartFlows blocks were not working with the latest version of Spectra.
    • The test mode was not working on the thank you page with the restrict thank you page feature.